
First layout of my father

Pappa'n min døde 25 januar i år, han ble 70 år.
Jeg hadde lyst til å lage ett minnealbum til mamma, men jeg har aldri laget en LO før, men det gikk jo greit :-)
Albumet er kronologisk, bildene er de første som ble tatt av pappa.
Han ble født 2 måneder før andre verdenskrig sluttet.

My father died 25th January 2016, he was 70. I decided to make an album to my mother, though I have never made a layout before, but it went okay I think :-) 
The album is chronological made, so this is the first taken photos of my father. 
He was born 2 months before second world war ended.

Entering these challenges

1 kommentar:

  1. What a gorgeous layout, Gry. Love the blue and grey tones and your matching embellishing. Thank you for joining us at Noor! Design UK challenge and wish you luck for winning the prize. We hope to see you again joining us next round starting tomorrow.
    Hugs, Karina


Thank you for the comments! :-)